I generally do not review applications online, but this disaster for the Mac inflamed me to action. I have not seen this aplication on an iPad, but here the interface is a disaster. Navigation is by scrolling through a long list of names or subgroups. There is no search by artist, name of painting, period, or any other attribute that might be connected to a painting or sculpture. The collection of Rodin is pathetic. Sculptures with only a single view and so few are there. There were many other artists with poor representation in their collections. When in a painting, there is no reference to enlarged views. This application is fine for someone who wants a shabby resolution collection of art viewable with click links to a Wiki online for further information about the work. Selected works seem based not by most significant, but what they could easily get their hands on.
My recommendations: provide better interface. Enable search by work name, artist, and key words. Make option to see what close up views available. For sculptures provide reference view for what other views are available. Provide links to google museum when sculpture has a live view available. Have option for better screen resolution so that can enjoy at larger screen sizes. Remember, not all have tiny screen macs and the new Apple Television if at large screen size will make a mess of small resolution images. Yet this should be an option so that those with less needs do not need to wait time for download. Do a better job of selecting works to better represent the artists. Provide a list of how many of each artists works are in the collection before purchase so that those with special passions will not be as dissapointed as myself.
Would love to get my money back! Do not waste yours unless they fix this mess.
DrBermant about Art Authority for Mac