Functionally the App performs swimmingly. A really great way to bring high quailty art onto your computer from the internet. This App increases everybodies access to art significantly beyond conventional internet searching, browsing and downloading. The overview collections could expand (hopefully) pushing this one forward into the territory of greatness! Also it would be nice to have more info on hand, currently linking broad topic headers (i.e art or "van Gough) to the Wikipedia page is laudable, it would be really first class to provide or link to paragraph length info and/or criticism specific of the individual works especially the highly treasured/historical pieces.
There is no way to query the database.
Artists are collected into the era and movement to which they contributed. For the majority of artists I found that the collections were incomplete (Munch), on the other hand some were much better (van Gough) than what you will find in an average book collection specific to the individual.
Image size and quality is a non-issue, everything looks perfect, colours match what you would see in a gallery and there are no noticable defects to the files. Larger monitors will enjoy improved viewing space where large pictures will be slightly shrunk on smaller screens. Would be interesting to hear someones experience connecting to a TV monitor as a better gauge of true image quailty. Nothing I found was the quality of the masterpieces of the Prado Museum available in Google Earth, or even true HD for that matter. On the other hand the images download quickly and the program is responsive even when handeling large collections.
Thanks for the great App! Already one of my favourite.
OliverD. about Art Authority for Mac, v3.3